تمارين على أزمنة اللغة الانجليزية – 50 سؤال و اجابة مع التفسير

تمارين على أزمنة اللغة الانجليزية – 50 سؤال و اجابة مع التفسير

فى البداية قم بعمل مراجعة على جميع الازمنة ↓↓

الأزمنة The Tenses في اللغة الانجليزية شرح تفصيلى مبسط

اختبار على جميع الازمنة فى اللغة الانجليزية اختبار يقيس مدى فهمك للأزمنة

اختبر نفسك مع مجموعة تمارين في الازمنة في الانجليزية

فيما يلي بعض تمارين الأزمنة الإنجليزية مع الإجابات.

قم بحل التمارين على ازمنة اللغة الانجليزية في شكل اختر الاجابة الصحيحة لتختبر نفسك على فهم كل ازمنة اللغة الانجليزية مع معرفة سبب اختيار الاجابة.

#1. By the time they found him, he ................

#2. He ..................................... many years ago.

#3. By that time, everybody ........................................ asleep.

#4. She told me that something ........................................ to him.

#5. I ............................................ about it until you mentioned it.

#6. She ............................................. him at once.

#7. I ....................................... him yesterday.

#8. He ......................................... in 1960.

#9. I ............................................... enough time to finish the job.

#10. When I arrived at the party, everybody .......................................... home.

#11. I wondered who ........................................... the cat in.

#12. I thought I .......................................... the money.

#13. Where could he ……………………..?

#14. I didn’t …………………. that she was not coming.

#15. You should have told me that you …………………… not coming.

#16. She has never …………………… to anyone.

#17. What did you do with the vacuum cleaner I ………………….. you?

#18. Even as a child he …………………….. great interest in science.

#19. You needn’t ………………………. him a lair. That really upset him.


Needn’t have past participle is used to talk about undesirable things that happened.

#20. She never realized that she ……………………. making a mistake.

#21. He forgave all people who ……………………. him.

#22. Many writers ………………………… Kabir’s poems into different languages.


When there is no time reference use the present perfect to talk about finished events.

#23. They ……………………… the job by now.

#24. Don’t call them now. They ………………………… dinner.


The future continuous is used to talk about an activity that will be in progress at a particular point of time in future.

#25. She …………………………. ever since she injured her leg.


To talk about an action or situation that started in the past and has continued up to the present, use the present perfect continuous tense.

#26. . Have you ever ………………………… anyone so fond of desserts?

#27. I thought I bought a good car but I …………………………

#28. She stayed with us until she ………………………… to Germany.


When the main verb is in the past tense, use a past tense in the subordinate clause as well.

#29. The issues ……………………… at the town forum next month.

#30. His efforts to save the business ………………………. futile.


Here the subject is the plural noun efforts.

#31. The bomb had a long fuse that ……………………….. the explosion.

#32. I will gamble on his honesty and ………………………… him the money.


When both clauses refer to the future, use a simple present in the subordinate clause.

#33. The policeman frowned at the driver who ……………………………… traffic.

#34. Have you ……………………… my check yet?


We use the third form of the verb after has, have and had.

#35. The hotel …………………… guests from all over the world.


Use the simple present to talk about facts.

#36. The peasants ………………………. but were ultimately powerless.

#37. The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers ………………………. at St. Louis.


Use the simple present to talk about facts.

#38. Parents should correct children when they ……………


When both clauses refer to the future, use a simple present in the subordinate clause.

#39. The crowd was so dense that we ……………………….. hardly move.

#40. Many people …………………………… by lack of self confidence.

#41. Extravagant people never ……………………. money.

#42. The gangster ………………………. for extortion.


A passive voice is required here.

#43. She gets furious whenever I ……………………. her weight problem.

#44. Our company ……………………… in the fabrication of airplane parts.

#45. We still talk about the fabulous party you ……………………… last year.


Use the simple past to talk about something that happened in the past.

#46. I thought I ……… depend on the neighbors for help but they …….. us.


Use the past tenses throughout.

#47. I am hungry because I …………………….. lunch.

#48. His only fault is that he ……………………… ambition.

#49. He feigned surprise and they ……………………….. her.

#50. Ever since he got a raise, he ………………………. too complacent to work hard.


The present perfect is commonly used with the time expressions since and for.

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try again! 

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17 تعليقات

    • بعد الانتهاء من الاجابات اضغط على زر finish \ تظهر النتيجة بنسبة مئوية

  1. 22/50 محبط من النتيجة الازمنه صعبه والانقليزي صعب يبدو انني سأرفع الراية البيضاء واتجه الى اي تخصص لا يوجد فيه انقليزي

    • لا تستسلم أبداً مهما كانت ظروف الحياة ..
      ربما تتعثر ولكن إنهض ، قد تخطئ ويمكنك أن تصحح ستفشل مراراً وتكراراً ” ولكن حاول ” .

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