مقترحات لحل مشكلة الزيادة السكانية بالانجليزي

مقترحات لحل مشكلة الزيادة السكانية بالانجليزي الزيادة السكانية وأثرها على الفر ودور المجتمع..النمو السكاني السريع غير المنتظم أصبح سمة العصر الحالي وزيادة السكان هذه مرتبطة بازدياد الحاجة الى الغذاء والخدمات العامة على شتى الاصعدة بدءاً من حاجة أكبر للمياه النقية وانتهاء بالسكن الصحي ومايرافقه.

بعض مصطلحات الزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية:-

الزيادة السكانية  Overpopulation – Population increase
معدل نمو السكان Population growth rate
الامن الغذائى Food security – food security
احتياجات السكان Population needs – The needs of the population
نسبة المواليد Birth rate
الطاقة البشرية  Human energy
تعريف الامن الغذائى  Definition of food security
طرق التغلب على مشكلة الزيادة السكانية     Ways to overcome the problem of overpopulation
توزيع الكثافة السكانية  Population density distribution
الهجرة الداخلية     Internal migration
توزيع كثافة السكان فى مصر  Distribution of population density in Egypt
الهجرة Immigration

مقترحات لحل مشكلة الزيادة السكانية بالانجليزي

Over population in Egypt and its dimensions, considers as one of the serious problems, which challenge Egypt community, as it relates to social, economic, political, and educational future to the nation, belonging to the risks, as results of big difference in population and foreign labor in general, this cause risks to nation security, nation domain and identity, so this case became as one of main cases that looks for solution, and the government gave it special interest as a case of identity, economic, security and education, and in this research I will explain this problem, causes, effects, and results, and some solutions and recommendations, the diagnosis of problem dimensions take varied sides, as a result of quantity growth in labor number, and the effect of the quality based of population in Egypt , this causes lots of hazards, and social, economic, and security problems which threat community and its future, in addition of difference in lots of employments especially in the private sector, this makes the problem so complicated, and leave citizens away from private sectors, so increasing problems and its interiors, let us accept this situation, so neither the continuing in the popularity situation is unacceptable nor the solutions

تعريف الزيادة السكانية

The definition of overpopulation
Lots of phenomena, which belong to the demographic situations, differ from one country to another, especially if they relate to the economic, social, political future of these countries, and the generation of problems and conditions which make it difficult to get rid of. So social problems that face any community or nation, differ in determining levels of importance from points of view of society, and it may suppose exist different types of social problems, which can be distinguished in all groups in the social process. Determine that phenomenon which represents social problems at first then increases to become multi-sided.

أسباب الاكتظاظ السكاني

Causes of Overpopulation
Egyptian people, like other people, belong to organic roots known as Arabic, and connect with other Arab people in religion, language, and historical connectors, and its effects on tribal conditions, that means its people belong to Arabic tribes, have their famous names and parts. Egyptian citizens face to mix with foreign emigrants, especially those which come from Africa, Iran, and India, instructing that littoral cities were more influenced by these emigrants than the interior and desert ones. This effect in its economic, educational, social nature, while the Bouduin group still, as it is, kept its cultural and traditional concepts.

The changes which happened in Egypt in the beginning of the 70th century with the exploration of oil, and the start of the construction process, that comprehend, economic, constructions, and traditions changes, in addition to appearing new concepts of life, so it is natural for old traditions and customs to disappear, and rechange with new concepts and ideas that are suitable to the new life and this derived to appear of a new Egyptian person who has new mental contentment which is different from how he lived before the Union Revolution and oil exploration

The new cultural situation obliges big choices with the fast process of growth and improves luxury life level of person, which relates to developments of individual’s income, and developments of governmental and private services. The country becomes a path of global markets, so this leads to cultural concepts in different forms, compared with the existence of external companies in Egypt in addition to constructing local organizations that depend on foreign labor of both kinds, so this eases immigrant flow to the communities which increase over expectations

المشاكل الناجمة عن الاكتظاظ السكاني

Problems Caused by Overpopulation
The overpopulation is the first national case in this period, and it should be taken with wide interest as population planning and labor brought, and the need of it, increased to 90% from the total labor force in the country. According to the last estimations, the percentage of foreign people is 10% with citizens in Egypt, and there are 300 thousand new job opportunities available in Egypt, while 30 thousand Emirates are workless, and this is another defection beside the population one, and this is what the prime minister announced

On the other side we notice the domination of foreign labor in all production sectors, which focus on commerce, restaurants, hotels, constructions, and changeable industry. We understand that the percentage of foreign labor is the most in the country, this cause to defect the quantity of population constructed, so the problem is a serious and more complex case which faces country and government, in the next ten years on the political, social and economic threats of construction of the country and its association,

For example:
This situation which it obliged and the exceptional solutions for it and I explore two causes:

The situation of growth in Egypt aimed citizens to improve their economic, social, employment and educational levels, and today citizens changed to investors to bring labor, and this way was very useful for him

The improvement of the financial sector in the 70th century was the base of bringing foreign labority in an imaginative way, and it now needs an opposite situation as a negative immigration, because the foreign aim is economic, to reduce the present defective crises, to limit the labority and the useful selection of it, and take into consideration qualifications, skills, experiences and national balances, and during the big growth of the population in Egypt of the foreign growth in enormous estimations, and the defection is still a threat to the future of the country with its people,

( مقترحات لحل مشكلة الزيادة السكانية بالانجليزي  (ندرة الموارد

Scarcity of Resources
This overpopulation, according to the statistics, points to the level of danger, in which this problem carries, and considers local challenges to Egypt, especially after the next population in 2006, which doesn’t appear yet, so the danger should be faced with the effect on the social and quantitative composition, and changes the classifications of the population in addition to its social, quantitative, educational, and safety risks, which domain the economical and living sectors in the society, in addition to the financial and social charges which make more pressure in the local services, and this leads to increase the development budget, either in the local, or union, which influences the citizens level

Health Problems
Egyptian government did and did more efforts to deal with all disadvantages, especially health sectors, which resulted in present population construction in the organized images of the job law in the governmental and private sectors and forced women in different jobs. From the first days of Egypt established, the specialist departments did big efforts to announce laws of emigration and residence, so lots of ministry laws and decisions. In this case, the first union law number 6 in 1973 followed with lots of modifications like the council of ministers decision number 3 in 1977 to organize bringing foreign labors.

The first step that the government did in the way of correcting the population situation in April 1980, it announced labor law number 8 in 1980, then law number 8 in 1984, in case to organize foreign labor, that causes to manage use of labor and work for adults and women, with individual and group firms and contracts, as salaries, working hours, vacations, medical protection, insurances and work and awards…etc. The application of this law causes to establish the organizing basis of bringing foreign labor, and it gives citizens the right to work and this comes in 9th subject (work is a right for all Emirates citizens and it is not allowed for others to work in the nation, unless in the conditions which government does).

مقترحات لحل مشكلة الزيادة السكانية بالانجليزي (القضايا البيئية)

Environmental Issues
The law confirmed Environmental Issues in case of the unavailable of local labor, the priority offered to the Arabic labor then foreign labor from other nationalities, but this applied only in the governmental sectors, but the private sector doesn’t work to apply it although there are lots of citizens who look for job, it has supported this law with ministry decision in 1990, in case of organizing foreign labor forces in Egypt , especially the case of escaping from guarantor, or allow them work with others, the government interested in treating the defection in the population construction, so another ministry decision number 4 in 1994 in to organize bringing foreigners to their families and servants, and it has been allowed to limited number of categories who have big incomes like engineers, accountant, chemists, agriculture guides, teachers, and other careers, the law decided the limit salary for foreigners to bring his family 4000G monthly in case of the accommodation available, and 5000 G in case of there is no accommodation.

مقترحات لحل مشكلة الزيادة السكانية بالانجليزي ( البيئة تزداد سوءًا)

Environment getting worse

As it is in the lower level of the country about to decrease their families and servants, the groups which the decision comprised were so little different from foreign labor, and as a result this decision did nothing but raise the percentage of males more than females, and the fifth subject was amended to become 3000 Dhr with accommodation and 4000 G without accommodation, so this decision has not been studied well and patiently to connect between the fairness of governmental income and private individual income. In addition to all who work in government are Arab,

I think it should follow with the quantitative population construction (male and female), and nationality, to solve environmental problems. It should focus on the private sector. In addition to that, the labor ministry paused to give visas to unspecific periods. The decision pointed to 42 activities like tailoring and small carpentry workshops and bakeries, the law number 93 in 1996, which was announced by the interior ministry, that organize labor situations, especially for those who are illegal in the country.

With the decision to announce 250 thousand illegals leaving the country, the council of ministers issued a decision to increase nationalism in banks by 4% yearly. In addition, it formed a high committee on population construction to find suitable solutions for population construction modification and organize it.

مقترحات لحل مشكلة الزيادة السكانية بالانجليزي (الصحة العامة)

Public health

There is a real public health problem in the large numbers of foreign employments, especially illegal foreign employments, that carries significant risks and threats to the state society, losing control over them so that they cannot trace them or hold them accountable in the event of serious crimes and the most dangerous if they carry them into the country banned substances such as: ammunition, weapons or drugs, which affects the stability and security of society.

Food supply

There is also a drain on food resources, peer wages they receive and the financial cost of these indirect employment as a result of a large number of states having to bear the high cost of these for the support of direct and indirect services


The existence of fresh water in Egypt, especially, for some reasons belongs directly to the economic side chiefly, in addition to many circumstances, and social, political, security, and economic … etc. either from import or export countries of employment play an important role to form this phenomenon, otherwise it attracts employment from import countries, or pressure from export ones, and this employment finds itself easy in the period of EGYPT establishment, and the needs of workers and laborers in all sectors in addition to the limits of EGYPT population and the fast developments of the country

Coastlines and oceans

The position of Egypt in two seas made it a position of attraction. It locates in two seas, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean one. In addition to that there are long coastlines, these things cause the overpopulation


The forest in Egypt was distributed on both sides of the Nile river, but the overpopulation caused many problems in these green areas and canceled most of them to construct houses and buildings for people


The biodiversity of people in Egypt is in the center of the city, industrial areas, in addition to the places which are near water, but after the overpopulation which happened in the recent few years, population diversity is everywhere in the country, and sometimes causes traffic

Climate change

Overpopulation in Egypt derives lots of problems. In addition to traffic, climate change is not flexible, changeable due to the increase in all devices which cause pollution. For example means of transportation, conditioning all these things causes changing climate,

مساوئ الاكتظاظ السكاني.
يسبب الاكتظاظ السكاني في مصر الكثير من العيوب:

Disadvantages of overpopulation.
Overpopulation in Egypt causes lots of disadvantages:

1- The problems of security, ethical and social:
There is a real problem in the large numbers of foreign employments, especially illegal foreign employments, that carries significant risks and threats to the state society, losing control over them so that they cannot trace them or hold them accountable in the event of serious crimes and the most dangerous if they carry with them into the country banned substances such as: ammunition, weapons or drugs, which affects the stability and security of society.

2-Economic problems:
There is also a drain on economic resources, peer wages they receive and the financial cost of these indirect employment as a result of a large number of states having to bear the high cost of these for the support of direct and indirect services

Solution of overpopulation
The problem of the research is taken in general from the general increase in legal and illegal labors and the effect on the construction of population in the city.

This causes more economic, social, social risks and problems, and threats to the entity of society and its future. In addition to differences in citizenship percentage, in lots of employment in the private sector, that makes the problem more complicated, and don’t work with local people in the private sector, the problem increases in its overlaps and solutions,

So this balance in its difficulties, to accept the situation, as the population situation is acceptable or the solutions to mend up, it is also acceptable, the society and government role in front of the society limited in challenge.

The existing situation in Egypt needs to fix up the population constructions and look for how we can treat its defects, to keep the nation’s security and citizen identifications, to take into consideration cultural and social improvements in the community, and to relook again to population constructions and policy of emiratisation of the community, and this problem needs a more careful and complete plan to achieve it, to decrease partly from it, and arrive to a stage which has useful results to put all national and human possibilities in the process of treatment.

The relevant policies goals

The relevant policies have lots of goals and direction and the most important ones are:

To know the size of the problem, and clarify the causes of population defection, and its danger which forms in Egypt community

Clarify the local causes that cause to exist population defection with the growth and increase of labor

Identify the risks caused by population defection

To know and apply rules which can get rid of population defection, and limit its traces.

To know if the emiratisation is a good solution, and look at its results

To point out the active performance of the formal department

Identify the steps that the government follows and force them in the community to fix up this problem and avoid it in future

Put and apply effective recommendations to assist in preventing and solving population defection in Egypt

Prepare all local labor forces, and direct it to productive jobs and workers, far away from workless, and decrease foreign labor, and give priority to productive employments in economic and social departments.

تحميل بحث أخر مقترحات لحل مشكلة الزيادة السكانية بالانجليزي من هنا

نصائح للحفاظ على الماء باللغة الانجليزية

رسالة ترحيب للسياح باللغة الانجليزية والعربية

نصائح للحفاظ على البيئة باللغة الانجليزية


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